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We want to encourage those in our Fellowship who are 50 and over to participate in activities that foster spiritual growth and health, age-level educational pursuits, evangelistic outreach, and wholesome fellowship events. To promote strong focal points of need so that people may be involved in an area that interests them.

Welcome! I hope that as you peruse the Senior Adult Ministries website you will find information along with links to various resources that will be beneficial.


Primeline is a joint publication from AG World Missions, Senior Adult Ministries and Legacy of Faith. Our goal is to help mobilize senior adults in the prime years of their life to make an impact around the world. Each publication will provide encouragement through stories of the global impact of the Assemblies of God, share ideas of how to pass faith to the next generation and discover insights related to funding the Great Commission.

Download the current issue of Primeline: Spring 2024 Issue (PDF)

This publication will be delivered two times a year to individuals on the Primeline mailing list. To ensure Primeline is delivered to your mailbox, please take a moment to fill out the form below.

Primetime Online

PrimeTime ONLINE features conversations addressing issues that are important to Senior Adults. Our guests come from a variety of different backgrounds and ministries and they provide unique insight and answers to many of the questions and concerns you may have.

Video Interviews

Planned Giving

Planned giving helps you make wise stewardship and financial decisions to manage your wealth. Through the marriage of proper financial and stewardship planning, it allows you to reach your goals for yourself, family, and ministry. Visit the link below to learn more about the solutions offered by AGFSG.

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